Weekly Round Up March 20th



I am dreammmming of this Pastrami Fried Rice dish I made last week. Definitely a new favorite and have shared it with many friends already!



One of the main things I use in my kitchen ever-single-day is my 5” mini GreenPan egg pan. It makes the best gift and its soooo practical in the kitchen for not just eggs, but cooking just about anything with easy clean-up.



I’ve been on an audio book binge - this week I am listening to Think Again by Adam Grant. To have a business filled with empathy and authenticity we must unlearn and relearn, have courage over comfort and stay curious about the ever changing perspective of our clients.



Have you considered launching an online program or digital product? I started with Thinkific, and I just saw they announced their How to Grow Your Course Business and Sell Naturally + free 30 day trial offer. Now might be your time to dive in!



I’m at the family lake house this weekend, couldn’t have left the house without my Yeti Cup, I literally left it at the gym this week and had to make a special trip to get it because it’s with me non-stop! I have the white one, and be sure to get the straw add-on.


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Weekly Round Up March 25th


Reflecting 2 years later...