Top 3 Business Things to Focus on Right Now!


When life is busy, your cup is empty, and you’re lacking focus of where to dedicate your time, you can end up doing nothing.

Overwhelm is really debilitating, am I right?

As small business owners, when we’re juggling 1 million different balls, it’s important that we do keep focus on keeping one foot in front of another. Success does not look like a straight line, but it is small actions each day that adds up. If you are a small business owner who is still working a full-time job and your hustle is consuming your time, this is for you too!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and lacking focus, I’m gonna recommend these top three things to focus on right now:

1. Focus on yourself, you can’t poor from an empty cup

It may sound like the most unsuccessful use of time. But if you are drained, it will show in your work. For me this looks like dedicating a couple of hours each Wednesday night as “me time”. This is an opportunity for me to feel like I have control over my schedule and I can do whatever I want. This week, it was getting a manicure guilt-free. Resetting your time and focusing on yourself allows you to be more creative, maintain your passion, and find inspiration again. I challenge you to put something in your calendar right now that is all about you. You’ll thank me later.

2. Prioritize what works and gets you business

As small business owners we wear many hats. When we are short on time and lacking focus, the best thing that we can do is acknowledge what is working and driving revenue. Focusing on those tasks first allows us to maintain a healthy business. If Instagram does not bring you business, then stop stressing about the fact that you’re not posting. Going to in-person meetings nurtures healthy relationships and referrals from other vendors – maybe that’s something you want to prioritize more than an occasional meet up. Be aware of what works and make time to do it!

3. Refining your client focus and target customer

If you are booking over 60% of your business inquiries, it’s probably time to look at raising your prices and narrowing in your niche ideal client. Many customers of mine I have talked to recently are very overworked and are currently serving clients who are no longer their ideal. The best way to do this is to identify who the best recent clients have been. Look for the clients that really brought you joy and brought out your most passionate work self. Maybe they are detail-oriented so they appreciate your approach, or are worry warts and like your leadership, or they appreciate the creativity you have that they do not. You can get inspiration of different business personality types in my Brand Archetype post. Once you know who your ideal client is you will want to make sure that the language you are using on your website, on your marketing materials and pricing is resonating with their unique needs you can provide. And for those wrong people, this process makes it clear who you don’t want to work with so you don’t resonate with the personalities of those who drain you!

Nothing sexy about these three, but utilizing these three as your focus is going to help you build a very strong business foundation to continue to maintain a healthy personal life and obtain the right business with little effort.


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