10 Steps for Customer Service Excellence without draining your energy
In the hustle and bustle of the busy fall season, we need to remember why we do what we do and equally balance the client experience + our own stress and energy! Sharing some tips to consider in order to obtain that balance as things pick up the pace and stress is on the rise.
Set Yourself Apart + Freebie Exercise
A couple of weeks ago on the blog, I talked about finding confidence in your business and brand. One of my favorite exercises for my clients is to have them make a 2 column list — in the first, a list of the way they make people feel when they work together, and in the second, a list of how they will feel if people don’t use them. Grab your PDF to make your own personal list!
Being a perfectionist is bad for business
Perfectionists usually are motivated by their work, highly engaged in the success of their clients and willing to work long hours to get sh*t done! Being relentless every day in pursuit of excellence can generate exhaustion and unreachable standards that actually reverse productive time when you are spread too thin.
50+ event pro Tips for Reducing Stress & Anxiety While Fostering Focus
For the last 18 years as a solopreneur, it has been a rollercoaster of emotions as I have learned, grown, been disappointed, overwhelmed and lacked focus. It can be isolating to run a business on your own. A lot of our experiences as small business owners are learned on the job, in the failures and wins — or perhaps you get lucky and get input from a trusted peer.
Checklist for Streamlining Your Brand
We have to remember that our potential clients see us from lots of different angles. Each angle and touch point we weave together tells a much larger story of our brand, its values and our service quality through the sales process and over time.
Questions You Should Ask Before Redesigning Your Website
One of my most popular services is my website audits. I get to know each business thoroughly with a custom assessment so I can then give strategic advice on what they need to change about their website to send a great first impression, and to make sure that they are checking all of the boxes on what potential clients are looking for.
5 Ways to Have More Brand Consistency
One of the most common mistakes I see my clients and small business owners make is lack of consistency between touch points of their visual brand.
Ways to Market Your Business Right Now
It takes 5 to 7 times for someone to see your brand to build brand trust. And there are always opportunities to build trust and help them feel your service or product is the best solution for them!
6 Ways to Create an Engaging Homepage
It takes 2.6 seconds to make a first impression online, and 88% of people won’t revisit a website if it wasn't a great first experience (SWEOR).
A question I get frequently is, “Is having a website still even relevant?” The answer is absolutely!