Mindset Inspiration
On a recent trip to Italy, I had a tour guide in Como who started an open discussion about what differentiates the artists who were known in their time and the artists we continue to talk about centuries later. As we explored, the tour guide looked at me, paused, and said the reason people like Michelangelo are so successful is because…
Do you realize there is only one of you on the entire planet?! Your unique physical and mental makeup is one of a kind. The way you see the world is your gift to all of us as you serve people and create unforgettable experiences that will live on beyond you.
In the hustle and bustle of the busy fall season, we need to remember why we do what we do and equally balance the client experience + our own stress and energy! Sharing some tips to consider in order to obtain that balance as things pick up the pace and stress is on the rise.
Brand confidence is when you have the focus and empowerment to know you are taking all the right steps and you’re feeling rewarded for your efforts. Confidence can magnetize, add value and create less doubt for consumers.
Business is a life force of its own that can easily take control of our personal lives as small business owners. Working in our businesses and alongside clients has a way of making time pass very quickly. And we have a tendency to lose hold of making time for the working ON our business part that helps us be more efficient, saves money, and creates better balance. Today I want to talk about what you should focus on to take back control over the second half of the year. To meet your goals and obtain better balance as you head into the busy fall and beyond.
Perfectionists usually are motivated by their work, highly engaged in the success of their clients and willing to work long hours to get sh*t done! Being relentless every day in pursuit of excellence can generate exhaustion and unreachable standards that actually reverse productive time when you are spread too thin.
When life is busy, your cup is empty, and you’re lacking focus of where to dedicate your time, you can end up doing nothing. Overwhelm is really debilitating, am I right? As small business owners, when we’re juggling 1 million different balls, it’s important that we do keep focus on keeping one foot in front of another. Success does not look like a straight line, but it is small actions each day that adds up.
2019 I was on the road over 42 times. It was my life, I loved it, I craved it. I was juggling it all and my clients were happy and… perhaps my cup was empty. 2020 came, and I realized that my priorities were out of whack. As my life slowed down, I began to implement small non-negotiables daily.
There are several studies and theories as to why time seems to speed by as we get older or as life gets busier. As we come out of the pandemic and life picks up pace, I have been putting thought into what I need to do on the daily to reach the version of myself I want to be in 6 months.
I’ve always had a way of coping by saying there is a plan B, C, D, E, F, G …
As the world changed around us 2 years ago this week, we all had no idea the new people we would be on the other side.
Each year, I pick a word as my anchor for the year. For 2021, it is “empathy”. As a person who deeply wants to see the success of others, I am constantly challenging myself to see past the social circles I grew up in and learn more about people who have had different life experiences, desires, religious perspectives and cultural upbringings than me.


I’m an action-oriented problem solver, creator, and coach. My superpower is enriching the lives of small business owners by helping them find balance in meeting their goals personally & professionally. Everyone has an innate uniqueness, and I’m here to let it shine to your ideal clients through confidence in your process, brand voice & visuals.

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